FAM Dismisses Nyamilandu’s appeal against Fleetwood Haiya’s Nomination


The Football Association of Malawi, through its election committee, has rejected the appeal of Walter Nyamilandu against Fleetwood Haiya to be removed from the list of candidates for forthcoming elections because he has not resigned as SULOM President.

Walter Nyamilandu through Makiyi and Kanyenda Associates made an appeal against the nomination of Fleetwood Haiya as presidential candidate for the December 16 FAM's elections, saying Haiya was supposed to resigned from his position as the President of SULOM for him to be eligible to contest.

According to the chairman of the election committee, James Masumbu, said that the complaint was unreasonable because the committee had given three days for all those with such complaints to send it to the committee within three days.

Nyamilandu has been in this position since 2004 and will contest for the third time on the position of FAM Presidency. 

The Elective General Assembly will be held on Saturday, 16 December in Mzuzu.



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